Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Gardening neighbors

Passiflora - Passion Flower
I surmise now that not everyone is passionate about gardening. Hell, some people could give a rats patootie. It is evident just driving down the road or though a neighborhood. I don't expect everyone to care like I do, or like just about anyone reading this. But some people never, ever, go out in their yard. Some people just scalp mow and that's it. Never having planted a flower or tree. Oh well. To each his own.

I do have one neighbor who cares. She lives up at the end of the street. She always looks as she is driving past, and every once in a while will stop by and ask what we've done that is new. I've shared clippings, seedlings and occasional wisdom with her. She does the same. Yesterday she offered me some babies of some plants that I have been meaning to get for a long time. Passiflora, or Passion Flower vine, Wisteria and Hummingbird vine. She keeps pulling them up and I keep wanting them. To return the favor, she was wanting some butterfly bushes. We have plenty, so off she went and already planted some.

My neighbor also rescues Eastern Box Turtles. Some are missing appendages, some with cracked shells. The has a corner of her yard cordoned off and allows them to eat well and be safe. And they do eat well, eating all they want of corn on the cob, tomatoes and other veggies from the garden and worms. They seem to love it there as they have even started to breed. A couple of years ago, one of the females, the one with only 3 legs, laid eggs and they hatched. This past July she did it again. So we are waiting and hopefully I will be able to post some pics of newborn box turtles!

Two-year old box turtles


  1. Just found your blog, Mike. Your pictures are incredibly vivid. What camera are you using?


  2. Hello, and thank you. Most of my photos were taken with a simple Canon SD750. I had a Nikon D3200 briefly, but had to return it. I will be getting a new one later in the year. Please come back often. I post at least once a week.
