Friday, June 8, 2012

Certified Wildlife Habitat

I am proud to announce that our yard/garden has been afforded the distinction of a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. It states that this habitat is certified in the National Wildlife Federation's worldwide network of mini-refuges because of our conscientious planning, landscaping and sustainable gardening, that wildlife may find quality habitat; food, water, cover and places to raise their young.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Rosaceae Rosa. The mind can be overwhelmed with the varieties. It takes a special gardener to know exactly what they have or want in a Rose. I had never had a rose bush before I met my wife. My parents always planted them, but they inevitably failed, as my parents, really my father, planted a lot of plants, but without the proper knowledge of how to plant, where to plant, when to plant and then how to take care of said plant(s), I was left with nothing. I longed for a great yard and plantings and couldn't wait to get my own place. Several places later and I am here.

For the last few years, we have planted several varieties of roses in our garden. My wife is particular of color and of course they have to have a smell. Not all roses have that distinctive rose smell, I have learned. As usual, she chooses, and I dig the hole. I am then rewarded with great rose plants that I get to enjoy almost all year. They seem to do well in our yard. The pruning is carefully done by my wife as there is a special way to prune roses and according to my wife, I am not privy to that.

Please enjoy some of the photos I have taken of the varieties in our garden. We planted three new ones a couple of weeks ago and they are doing well. My wife knows what she ordered, bareroot from the internet, but I will have to wait and see. It is kind of like xmas, not knowing what the present will be!